A Story Rooted in Cleveland

Our owners all have roots based in Cleveland, Ohio, along the banks of the Cuyahoga River. We love our hometown, and the midwest spirit of hard work, high quality, and refined tastes are reflected in every aspect of our business.

Inspired by a love for whiskey and seeing the need for a high-quality Midwest brand, we set out on a journey to find the best spirits in the world to satisfy any whiskey enthusiast’s palate.

At our barrel company, we select every barrel so it meets our taste buds’ high standards. What standards are those, you ask? A flavor profile that pairs the best of the world with the characteristics whiskey enthusiasts admire and casual dabblers can appreciate.

The Team

Ryan Lintz
Ryan Lintz
CEO and co-founder. The man with the plan(s) and a full blown whiskey nerd.
Tom Gray
Tom Gray
Director of operations and co-founder. The one doing all the processing.
Michael Boland
Michael Boland
The guy with all the connections and fellow whiskey nerd.
Michael Symon
Michael Symon
Yep, that one. The celebrity chef and star power of the team.

What We Bring to the Table

Each member of our team is a self-proclaimed whiskey lover that knows what good spirits taste like and where to find them. We are curating the best of what America and the world have to offer and we bring it to you.

Ryan Lintz and Michael Boland are the real whiskey enthusiasts. They’ve been drinking the best and most expensive whiskey in the world for more than a decade and are members of the Cleveland Bourbon Club, a private group of only 20 members that does blind tastings every single month. Blinds don’t lie! They have learned a ton through the process, and it has further refined their palates.

Tom Gray is a wizard with the behind-the-scenes knowledge to keep the wheels turning on everything needed to produce the best experience possible for our guests.

And Chef Symon? He’s clearly got the chops and know-how to identify the best flavor profiles in the world. And besides, his Cleveland-style BBQ pairs exceptionally well with our spirits.

The Story Behind Our Logo

The logo is a visual representation of royalty with the bottom half of a whiskey barrel creating the shape of a crown. Whiskey is pouring from the barrel’s bung hole to the bottom two R letterforms to represent River Roots. The reflected R’s also come together to create the top of a whiskey bottle.